Fusion Technology offers training and certification classes for all types of welding, torch brazing, soldering, helium leak detecting, and safety/hot work. We typically perform training at your company for groups of students. One-on-one can training can also be arranged. We often develop spcialized training classes to fit companies' particular equipment and process. Training is performed by a AWS CWE (Certified Weldling Educator).
We provide training and/or certification for TIG welding per all common welding codes including AWS D1.1, D17.1, B2.1, D1.2, D1.6, API 1104, ASME Section IX. We are expert in applications for high vacuum, aerospace, medical device, and other critical applications.
Soldering and solder inspection training/certification per IPC J-STD-001 and A610. These are currently the most recognized soldering standards used throughout the U.S. and World. Training is conducted by an IPC Certified Trainer (CIT).
(LBW)Training and certification for laser welding and micro-laser welding. We specialize in welding exotic, precious, and refractory metals for the medical device and electron tube industries.
Training and certification for RSW and micro-RSW as used in medical devices, electron tubes, battery packs, etc.
We can train and/or certify your employees to AWS D1.1 and all other welding codes.
Hot work safety training for welding, brazing, and other heat/flame processes
We offer customized welding technology seminars for engineers, designers, supervisors. This can include welding symbols, metallurgy, joint design, process fundametals, and more. These classes are tailored for the particular client's type of work
We train and certify operators for helium leak detection operation.
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